


Monday Gratitude: Things I Love

I started Monday Gratitude earlier this year and I've have so much fun with it. I figured I should keep it going. What do you say?   What is Monday Gratitude? Monday Gratitude is a new feature on my blog where I’ll be listing neat things that I find and the events, books, blogs, and people that I’m thankful for.     I've been so obsessed with my backyard lately. I've never really enjoyed gardening but I've been wanting to fix it up. It doesn't help that I have the smallest backyard ever. But I love it. And I'm loving it even more with every[...]


5 Free (and Gorgeous) WordPress Themes

I'm sure you're sick of hearing how important it is to have a platform and some sort of social media site when you are an author or illustrator. But even more important than having a social media site, is the look and feel of it. This site should represent you as an artist, an author, or a freelancer. Whether you're looking for a Wordpress theme to pair with your New Year's outlook or you're window shopping, here are five Wordpress layouts that I found. All are completely free and completely gorgeous. 5 Free (and Gorgeous) Wordpress Themes   Sugar and Spic[...]