
haunted hotel


Haunted Hotel: The Corner Room by Andy Grieser

Welcome to day THREE of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's story comes from room #23.   Marni dangled the key in front of her face. It looked old to Jo, worn, a cliché of a key rather than the real thing, round at one end with a slim shaft ending in an irregular set of teeth. The broken teeth of a mad fool, Jo thought, and giggled. Marni frowned at the noise and shrugged, closing the distance between them. “The hotel’s[...]


Haunted Hotel: Pavane for Trumpet and Ghost by Nathan Crowder

Welcome to day TWO of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's story comes from room #314.   Walking through the shabby hotel hallways with the luggage-toting bellhop in tow, Ray Martin assumed that the Thornewood Hotel had to have once seen better days. But he’d been coming to the quietly moldering New England hotel for going on forty-five years now, and it had always vaguely reminded him of the setting for Poe’s “Fall of t[...]


Haunted Hotel: I Wear it Better. by S.P. McConnell

Welcome to day ONE of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's art work is due to the unfortunate fact that someone at the Thornewood got their hands on a Master Key...   I WEAR IT BETTER.     Isn't this amazing? I feel like the longer I stare at it, the more detail I see that I missed before. I'm in awe of Sean and there hasn't been a showcase where he hasn't dazzled us all! It only seems appropriate that he kicks off[...]


Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator Showcase Participant List

  The Haunted Hotel Writer & Illustrator Showcase is almost here and I couldn't be more excited! We have some amazing writers and incredible artists who have signed up to partake in the spooky fun. Several of you have asked about participants and wanting to follow them on Twitter SO here's the list of participants so you can mingle and haunt hotels together! Just click the participant's name to link to their social media account. If you signed up, I've already sent you a key so that you know what room (or not room MUAHAHA) you have access to. I'm also[...]