


Pizza For Texas

My heart aches for Texas. Seeing the devastation and the loss that so many have suffered at the hands of Hurricane Harvey left me wondering one question: How can I help? What can I do? Unfortunately, I'm unable to travel there to assist in person and money is tight for me. The best thing I can do right now, Β is to donate items I can and donate money to those that are there right now, working for change, to help, and to aid. And of course, constantly send love and good vibes in my thoughts to everyone who has been affected. I had donated money to Harvey relief[...]


Cover Reveal: A Pizza My Heart Pizzathology

Today, I’m beyond delighted to introduce the cover of the A PIZZA MY HEART anthology to you. For those of you who are curious about the cover, fabulous cover artist Haley Crosby wrote a spectacular overview of the process and what it was like. You can read that here. I’m so happy with this cover because I wanted it to feel fun, eye-catching, and pizza-y, when viewed up close or even when viewing a thumbnail. I asked and Haley knocked it out of the park. This cover is all of those things and more. I think it perfectly represents the feel of this anthology bu[...]