
writing showcase


Haunted Hotel: The Skeleton and the Corpse Candle by Kira Butler

Welcome to day thirteen of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's story comes from  a special key, one that is very old...one that many didn't know existed at all.   Here’s what I know of ghosts: most of them don’t know they’ve moved on. Like a television set that’s been shut off recently, there’s a faint glow left over once it's turned off. It’s a light that lingers for a time, but it fades. From the road that w[...]


Haunted Hotel: The Monsters Among Us by Rosa Taylor

Welcome to day FIVE of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's story comes from room #149.   Thump. Thump. Thump. The rhythmic sound infiltrates my dreams, blending with the hatchet chopping through the bathroom door, until I come to my senses enough to realize that the bloody tool I held in my dream isn't making that noise. With a sigh, I roll over and pull the covers over my head, trying to find my way back into my dream. The[...]