Urban Legends: Bloody Mirrors by Danielle McKinney
Welcome to Urban Legends: Author & Artist #SpookyShowcase. This autumn 2019, the strange and unusual is unleashed! Featuring the best authors and artists in the horror landscape, come back each day the month of October for a scare. You can find the master posting schedule here,
Expect dark stories, myths, legends, and creepy creations that will make your spine tingle. Remember, urban legends aren’t true…are they?

Bloody Mirrors
by Danielle McKinney
Inspired by the urban legend Bloody Mary and the Villisca Axe Murders.
I. Buried.
A glass of champagne was all that it took,
To give me the appearance of death.
In that glass, a poison lay however it did not take,
No, my expiry came in the coffin I laid in.
I scratched and clawed but to no avail,
Screams and cries of help fell upon deaf ears,
As the air diminished suffocation took place,
The blackness overcame me.
I awoken in the mirror. A voice spoke,
“You, my Mary, will avenge the guiltless,
In the mirror, they will summon you, my girl.
Show them their fates. If they die by another’s hands,
Then you must slay the butcher.”
The voice died out with my new resolution presented.
II. With an Axe (06/10/1912)
The three little girls huddled together before the mirror,
“Mary, Mary, show us who we will marry?”
I appeared before them, my sallow face with my sanguine tears,
Showing them their visages in the mirror.
Crushed skulls with blood splatter ran down their faces,
The three screamed.
“Girls, it is time for bed.” A voice insisted outside of the room.
One little girl hurried upstairs as I watched from the upstairs mirror.
The other two little girls laid in the bed.
Not knowing that I was watching.
Darkness enveloped the house, no streetlights to illuminate
What was to come.
Heavy steps came from the back door,
The sound of the steps proceeded up the stairs.
I watched from the mirrors upstairs as the shadow man
Brought down the axe upon the sleeping mother and father.
He moved to the next room, four little bodies laid sleeping.
The shadow man brought down the axe on each sleeping child.
His axe hitting the ceiling leaving inscriptions of the crime.
The shadow man pounded down the stairs; he turned back to the room
With the two little girls.
One of the girls had awoken, she didn’t open her eyes.
For fear of what awaited her,
The shadow man slaughtered the little girls.
The shadow man saw my bloodied visage in the mirror,
He was scared and covered all the mirrors in the house.
But that would not save the shadow man.
I’d follow him to the end, for I would be the reason for his demise.
III. The Blood Ran Red
It was years, the shadow man tried to go from train to train
To get away from my vengeful face.
Haunting him in each mirror and reflection,
The shadow man would cover each mirror trying to get away,
But he would not escape from my retribution.
I drew him to the mirror, as he looked into my eyes,
His eyes congealed with blood running down his face.
As I told him,
“If you see my face, then death only awaits.”
About the Author
Danielle loves horror movies ever since she saw Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers with Danielle Harris. She loves vampires with her favorite movie being Interview with a Vampire. She reads constantly and mostly horror novels and young adult novels. She currently works as a claims examiner for an annuity insurance company.
Danielle is currently working on a non-fiction book looking at the murders from a true crime perspective.