
Art Meets Young Adult Literature

Art Meets Young Adult Literature

It’s an understatement to say that literature shaped me as a person. I was reading Dr. Seuss to my classmates before they even knew their alphabet. I swooned and grew up with the sisters from Sweet Valley High. I even remember replacing my normal prayers with, “Are you there God, it’s me, Jolene.” Not everyone shares my joy for children, middle grade, and young adult literature (which is fine), but I can’t contain my glee when I see an event inspired by it.
So there I was, tweeting, when out of nowhere, Kathleen Rushall posts something about an art show in Los Angeles. I always check out art shows because I like them and because my best friend is a fantastic artist who loves them even more. So I clicked.
Imagine my urges to scream exciting words from a mountain top when I spied what the art show was really about. (Warning, if you’re like me and are easily excitable you may want to sit down before you look any lower on the page).
Yep. An art exhibit devoted solely to children’s literature and young adult lit. I’ve died and gone to heaven. Gallery 1988 will be hosting this exhibit February 2nd through February 23rd. You can spy more upcoming exhibits on their Tumblr. You can also check out their official website here.
Have you guys ever seen something like this before? Hear of any other great literature inspired events? Let me know in the comments below! 
See you there!
  • Kristen Evey
    January 23, 2013

    AHHHHH!!! That’s incredible! I want pictures!

    • Jolene Louise
      Kristen Evey
      February 5, 2013

      Oh, you will get them! As soon as I go! I want to so bad! I practically grew up with SVH!

  • Faith
    February 6, 2013

    This is so cool! Report back after you go 🙂

    • Jolene Louise
      February 6, 2013

      Right?! It looks so awesome! I’m pumped.

    • Jolene Louise
      February 6, 2013

      I wonder if I can take pictures without getting kicked out… Activate sneakiness.

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