
monday gratitude


Monday Gratitude: Things I Love

Today I am grateful…Here’s another installment of Monday Gratitude, including a list of things I am thankful for.    What is Monday Gratitude? Monday Gratitude is a new feature on my blog where I’ll be listing neat things that I find and the events, books, blogs, and people that I’m thankful for.   Today's is much, much overdue. I have so much to be thankful for. I  recently fell. Hard. And I got a concussion. Thankfully my best friend, fiance, and my two pups have been nursing me back to health. I'm so grateful for them. Because let m[...]


Monday Gratitude: Things I Love

Today I am grateful…Here’s another installment of Monday Gratitude, including a list of things I am thankful for.    What is Monday Gratitude? Monday Gratitude is a new feature on my blog where I’ll be listing neat things that I find and the events, books, blogs, and people that I’m thankful for.  Raynor is starting to feel better. For those of you who don't know, my sweet four year old rescue dog suffers from a disease called Intervertebral Disc Disease. It's a horrible disease and this time around, when it flared up again the poor pup had[...]


Monday Gratitude: Things I Love

Today I am grateful...Here's another installment of Monday Gratitude, including a list of things I am thankful for.   What is Monday Gratitude? Monday Gratitude is a new feature on my blog where I’ll be listing neat things that I find and the events, books, blogs, and people that I’m thankful for.     I have this unhealthy obsession with agendas and recently one of my favorite stores began to carry the cutest agendas. I just ordered one today! Isn't it super cute? You can check it out and get yourself one too.  One of my favorite blogger[...]


Monday Gratitude: Things I Love

I started Monday Gratitude earlier this year and I've have so much fun with it. I figured I should keep it going. What do you say?   What is Monday Gratitude? Monday Gratitude is a new feature on my blog where I’ll be listing neat things that I find and the events, books, blogs, and people that I’m thankful for.     I've been so obsessed with my backyard lately. I've never really enjoyed gardening but I've been wanting to fix it up. It doesn't help that I have the smallest backyard ever. But I love it. And I'm loving it even more with every[...]


Monday Gratitude: Things I Love

I started Monday Gratitude in February and it received a tremendous response. So here I go again!   What is Monday Gratitude? Monday Gratitude is a new feature on my blog where I'll be listing neat things that I find and the events, books, blogs, and people that I'm thankful for.     My friend Julie over a DeadlyEverAfter.com is running a March Madness writing showcase, where readers can submit their short stories. The only rule is that the story must revolve around "madness" as a theme. I've been loving the creative stories!  I'm obsessed with[...]