
Down the Rabbit Hole with Leap Books

It took me around an hour to even be able to write this blog post. I kept sporadically breaking out in dance and song. Yep, you could say that I’m excited. I swear, I couldn’t even control my limbs. And now, I can barely contain my fingertips to write this post.

I’m a HUGE Alice in Wonderland fan. I love the imagination, the story, and the fact that a book published in 1865 is still loved, cherished, and relevant today.

Imagine my excitement when I got a message from Leap Books. In 2015, they’re celebrating its 150th anniversary in a BIG WAY. Leap Books is putting out an Alice In Wonderland inspired anthology called BEWARE THE LITTLE WHITE RABBIT and YOU are invited to contribute.


Leap Books - Alice in Wonderland anthology



Join a roster of well-loved authors writing new YA stories inspired by a classic tale. Submissions should be between 4,000-6,000 words in length, include a protagonist named Alice and a stuffed white rabbit whose appearance signals the start of adventure. All YA genres are eligible.

Title, premise/elevator pitch, and your complete submission are due to LeapBks@gmail.com by midnight EST November 15. Authors should include ALICE in their email’s heading.

The final lineup for the anthology will be announced December 15.

Authors whose stories are selected for inclusion in the BEWARE THE LITTLE WHITE RABBIT anthology and who meet revision requirements and associated deadlines will be paid a one-time fee of $50 USD.


Sounds amazing, right? Get on it people! Have fun, write on, and I’ll see you down the rabbit hole.


  • Rachel Schieffelbein
    September 8, 2014

    Hmm, very interesting!

  • Faith
    September 8, 2014

    I love Alice, and retellings in general. Did you watch Once Upon a Time in Wonderland?

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